1,326 research outputs found

    Fluctuations in global macro volatility

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    Este trabajo se basa en un enfoque de factores de volatilidad para estimar y descomponer segundos momentos, cambiantes en el tiempo, del crecimiento del PIB a través de países en contribuciones globales, regionales e idiosincrásicas. Los resultados documentan una moderación global de los ciclos económicos internacionales, definida como una disminución persistente de la volatilidad macroeconómica en las principales economías del mundo. Esta disminución de la volatilidad ha sido inducida por una reducción del componente subyacente global, y desvela un nuevo nivel de interconexión de la economía mundial. Después de evaluar la importancia de diferentes factores económicos, se encuentra que la reducción de la volatilidad macroeconómica de los países puede explicarse principalmente por la creciente apertura comercial habida en las últimas décadas. Asimismo, se encuentra que el componente idiosincrásico de la volatilidad de los países también está influenciado por las políticas monetarias internasWe rely on a hierarchical volatility factor approach to estimate and decompose timevarying second moments of countries output growth into global, regional and idiosyncratic contributions. We document a “global moderation” of international business cycles, defined as a persistent decline in macroeconomic volatility across the main world economies. This decline in volatility was induced by a reduction in the underlying global component, uncovering a new level of interconnection of the world economy. After assessing the importance of different economic factors, we find that the reduction in overall countries macroeconomic volatility can be mainly explained by the increasing trade openness exhibited in recent decades. Likewise, the idiosyncratic component of countries volatility is also influenced by domestic monetary policie

    Fluctuations in global output volatility

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    We thank the editor Mark M. Spiegel and two anonymous referees for excellent useful comments and suggestions that helped to improve this article. We would like to thank Maximo Camacho, Luciano Campos, Alessandro Galessi, Domenico Giannone, Daryna Grechyna, Carlos Thomas, Gabriel Perez-Quiros, Iryna Sikora, Francesco Zanetti and the participants at the 2018 ASSA meetings, the Econometric Society meeting of Latin American, the International Association for Applied Econometrics Conference, the VIII Zaragoza Workshop on Time Series Econometrics, and at the internal seminar series of the Banco de Espana for helpful comments and suggestions. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and are in no way the responsibility of the Banco de Espana or Eurosystem. Project PID2019-111708GA-I00 financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.In this paper, we dissect the time-varying output volatility of the main world economies to study its dynamics, spillovers, and determinants, from a global perspective. Our analysis relies on a hierarchical volatility factor model and Bayesian model averaging. We show that the increasing comovement observed in international macroeconomic volatility is substantially larger in developing than in developed countries. Instead, developed countries have exhibited more asymmetric volatility shocks than developing countries in recent times. We also show that, although the downward trend in global volatility is related with increasing trade, idiosyncratic changes in volatility are highly influenced by domestic monetary policies. However, due to the declining role played by these idiosyncratic components over time, policymakers currently face greater constraints when it comes to stabilizing output fluctuations.Banco de Espana or Eurosystem PID2019-111708GA-I00 MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Prioritization of olive breeding objectives in Spain: Analysis of a producers and researchers survey

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    Aim of study: Trait prioritization of potential olive (Olea europaea L.) breeding objectives has been evaluated in this work from two surveys to researchers working on olive and olive producers / orchard managers.Area of study: Olive growing area in Andalusia (South of Spain)Material and methods: Twenty-five breeding objectives were associated to plant growth, fructification, oil content and composition, resistance to pest and disease and tolerance to soil and climatic conditions. Two assessment methods were applied (ranking and rating), showing similar results in both the researchers and producers surveys.Main results: Higher productivity was the objective with the highest score, followed by Verticillium wilt resistance and higher oil content. After them, tolerance to water stress and resistance to Xylella fastidiosa were among the preferred objectives. Conversely, the least preferred objectives were late harvesting, high fruit size and tolerance to water lodging and calcareous soils. In the producers’ survey, results have been consistent among the different types of orchards and farmers’ characteristics. It is also interesting to notice that more than 50% of the producers expressed their willingness to orchard enlargement or renewal in the three coming years and 25% of them would change the olive cultivar. They would be willing to pay an average 43% overprice for new cultivar fulfilling their requirements and 75% would support the use of genetic modified olives.Research highlights: These results should be considered to analyze the scope of current breeding programs and define the main criteria to be considered for future works aiming at developing new olive cultivars

    Análisis de aceituna intacta mediante espectroscopía en el infrarrojo cercano (NIRS): una herramienta de utilidad en programas de mejora de olivo

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el potencial de la tecnología NIRS para el análisis del contenido de aceite, humedad y composición de ácidos grasos en aceituna intacta. A un total de 287 muestras de aceituna, cada una de una planta procedente de un programa de mejora de olivo, se les determinó sus datos espectroscópicos mediante reflectancia (400-1700 nm). A partir de los datos espectroscópicos originales, primera y segunda derivadas se obtuvieron diferentes ecuaciones de calibración (con el 70% de las muestras) mediante regresión por mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS) establecidas entre los datos espectroscópicos y los datos de laboratorio de referencia. Las mejores ecuaciones obtenidas fueron validadas (con el 30% de las muestras) mostrando valores de r2 de 0.88% para la humedad, 0.83% para contenido graso, 0.77% para contenido de ácido oleico y 0.81% para contenido de ácido linoleico. Por tanto, la tecnología NIRS puede ser de utilidad para preseleccionar genotipos por su contenido de aceite y ácido oleico con suficiente precisión y fiabilidad, sin destrucción de muestra, de forma instantánea y sin utilización ni producción de residuos químicos

    Aplicación de la Metabonómica a la caracterización metabólica de cultivares de olivo en un programa de mejora genética.

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    Metabonomics has been applied to stablish a procedure in order to obtain the metabolic fingerprint of olive cultivars in a breeding program. High-resolution magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy has made feasible the analysis of small pieces of olive intact flesh

    Metabonomic fingerprinting of olive fruits for breeding purposes

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    High-resolution magic angle spinning (MAS) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy has been used to obtain detailed metabolic fingerprint of olive flesh as protons in different chemical environment appear as spectral lines at different chemical shifts. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses has been carried out in order to establish a procedure to characterize and classify olives in a breeding program

    El Camino de Santiago en Castilla y León : guía de peregrinos y antología de textos literarios

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    Bibliografía: p. 142-143.Copia digital : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201

    Adaja : aula activa de la naturaleza

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    Bibliografía: p. 377-383.Copia digital : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201

    Desarrollo de un espectrofotómetro de campo para su aplicación en un programa de mejora genética

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    Se ha desarrollado un espectrofotómetro de campo para uso en programas de mejora del olivo en el marco de un proyecto INIA en el que trabajan conjuntamente el LPFTAG y el IFAPA de Córdoba. La robustez de los modelos en la configuración portátil es muy dependiente del número de variables latentes seleccionadas mediante modelos PLS. Se evalúa el procedimiento PDS de transferencia de calibración para mantener en uso las bases de datos acumuladas con un equipo de sobremesa a lo largo de los últimos cinco años